Easy to write XML tests (own Domain Specific Language). XML is a standard. XML is everywhere. It is easy to learn our syntax.
Data driven approach (the same tests could be run for different installations and versions of product). You write tests, and then load data for tests. Different data – different behaviour.
Object Oriented way of creating pieces of tests (which allows us to fully support reusability, what provides a quicker way to create effective tests). Decrease of cost. Better structure = quicker support and update. Quick learning curve into existed project which uses XML2Selenium.
Support for mapping between product business documents and tests (we support folder structure of tests, and even tags cloud for separating groups of tests). Using this approach you control when and what did happen with tests at test server.
Full integration with leading open source tools such as selenium, junit, jenkins, maven, eclipse, what provides you a cutting edge technology. If you use our product – you automatically use up-to-date technologies and test run approach. This is a part of Continious Integration.
Every test has own ouput for logs, snapshots, screenshots, and even video, as well as business reporting. It allows to study how tests are run, effectively, so developers could fix bugs much more quicker.
Custom business reporting – you decided how you would like to see reports of your tests. We have a set of predefined views, but it is extendable.
XML2Selenium is fully customizable and pluginnable. You could extend everything, thus our product fits your requirements and does even more. All you need is just create a plugin. Moreover we allow companies to create internal repositories which allow publishing of plugins and using them at other products.
Tests in XML2Selenium could contains scripting in Java Script, Groovy, what provides a way to create extremelly powerfull tests.
Before run all the tests are validated, so you always understand what is wrong
This is more then framework, it is platform, it doesn’t depend on Selenium, JUnit, Jenkins, so we could use other tools at the bottom of it.
New horizons for XML2Selenim are running tests in SAAS and load testing in cloud.