Accessing Jenkins XML2Selenium demo build
We prepared a special build on Jenkins allowing you to experiment with XML2Selenium Jenkins integration and check some of its features. In order to access that build please follow instructions:
- Go to our Jenkins
- Please use username: x2sdemo, password x2sdemo
- Click on tab All and choose xml2selenium-reports-smoketestcases_master job. This build is used by a XML2Selenium team to check different combinations of tests, results and build artifacts. It provides real good overview of what XML2Selenium could do. It contains almost 500 tests.
- Now select latest build, and click at “Build artifacts”, and then at “target”.
- If you see “xml2selenium” folder, you are almost done. Click “xml2selenium”, and then “index.html”. Through that you are accessing reports of XML2Selenium for that latest build of xml2selenium-reports-smoketestcases_master Jenkins job.
How to use reports
Please read this article in order to get understanding how the reports are organized and what is possible to achieve with them.
Ask question if problems
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